Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saving Tips Tuesday

Tuesday is Mr. O's day off and my grocery store day.  This week I planned and was going to go coupon crazy.  My first stop was Giant Eagle where I planned to get Lysol cleaning products and Colgate toothpaste and toothbrushes.  Lysol cleaning products were on sale for 4 for $8, with a $2 instant savings, making it 4 for $6, and on top of that I had coupons for $1 off for two....so I applied two coupons to the four making the grand total on the Lysol products 4 for $4! Are you still with me???? For someone who isn't good at math somehow I am good when it comes to saving money.  Colgate toothpaste was on sale for 10 for $10.  I had a $.75 off coupon that would double, making the toothpaste free.  Also, Colgate toothbrushes were also on sale for 10 for $10 and I had a coupon for $1.00 off two toothbrushes, so one toothbrush was free!  Before my club card and coupons the total was well over $70, and I started to get nervous.  Then I was put to ease after everything went through.  Here are my savings from Giant Eagle.

My next stop was CVS for laundry detergent.  Cheer and Gain laundry detergent was marked down from $8.99 to $4.99.  I applied a $1 off coupon for each container of detergent that I bought making it $3.99.  I only bought 4 bottles of detergent, I contemplated buying more but Mr. O stopped me.  Here are my savings:

And here is a picture of my haul.  It definately pays to shop around.  I know it's not anywhere near the people on Extreme Couponing, but I'm saving my family money and that is the most important part.

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